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Some years ago my friends and I were warming up for a doubles game in our indoor tennis court. Many tennis balls were flying through the air. I turned to my partner and exclaimed “there are too many balls in play, and one of us is going to get hurt.” Instantly, I was pounded by a ball in my right eye! I continued to play, but my eye was watering and so affected that I was forced to discontinue play. My immediate instinct was to get myself to Dr. Hall’s office. Upon my arrival, Dr. Hall placed me in his examining chair and proceeded to remove the ball’s yellow fuzz which was lodged in my eye. Two days later, he removed the bandages-all was well! Thank you Dr. Hall for your skill and care.

Gloria Angelozzi

“My face never looked so great!” When I walked into Dr. Hall’s office to get my glasses, Dana took one look and picked out the most perfect pair of glasses for me. Since I work with the public, people are always commenting on how good they look. With their warm words, my spirit flys high and gives me reason to go back. Thank you Dr. Hall and your wonderful staff.

Carrie M Greenlee

From the first moment I glanced at the Ardmore Eye Care exciting window, I knew I had discovered my eye frame place! The creative display reflected the cleverness inside. Beautiful, innovative and tasteful frames awaited.

The informative staff go beyond to satisfy customer needs. I find it very special and comforting that Dr. Hall is present, a plus!

My first contact was with the fabulous Dana who did everything possible to please me. Her energy and humor enhanced the easy, intimate environment. It is now NOT a chore to consider purchasing new frames at Ardmore Eye Care as it is completely stress free and always fun.

Donna Reisman